
Exchange 2010 autodiscover url
Exchange 2010 autodiscover url

exchange 2010 autodiscover url


Now, if you ask me as to what changes it – it could be a patch which was recently installed/human error/something which I dont know. Now, if it is not working internally or externally the first action should be to mandatorily check the Authentication’s for Exchange virtual directories on your CAS servers. Now, if you have clients complaining AutoDiscover works internally and not externally, the best way to start troubleshooting is to go to and perform an AutoDiscover test there. Once the test completes, you should not see any errors. Only check the box which says “Use Autodiscover” and click Test. You will now see a pop-up screen with your email address. Now press the CTRL button on the key-board and right-click the Outlook icon in the System tray. Now, to run Test E-mail AutoConfiguration, the pre-requisite is that your mailbox should be on an E2K7/E2010 server for which you think AutoDiscover has encountered an issue. To get details on Autodiscover VDir, type this cmdlet: If you are looking at this article before setting up Autodiscover URL’s, it is recommended to have it setup this way. Internal AutoDiscover URL looks like – External Clients – In this case, outlook is not in the domain and would be utilizing RPC-HTTP and Outlook so uses DNS to resolve the external AutoDiscover URL specified for your organization. Internal Clients – Outlook looks for SCP (Service connection point) in AD which contains the URL for the Autodiscover residing on the CAS server’s IIS and outlook ultimately establishes a connection with the CAS Server. Test E-mail AutoConfiguration is an inbuilt tool in Outlook which lets you know whether AutoDiscover is working as expected from a client machine. With AutoDiscover is highlight in E2K7 and E2010, we know how important is to understand and troubleshoot this feature.

Exchange 2010 autodiscover url