
Youtube krewella get wet
Youtube krewella get wet

youtube krewella get wet

For the first ever, since I’ve been making music, playing guitar or anything, I put everything into Krewella and it turned out… But after that moment, I was able to put everything into Krewella. Rain Man: Well what’s funny is that I was ghost producing for DJ White Shadow, who worked on the Gaga record, “Born This Way,” and then he fired me. L4LM: One of our readers wanted to ask you, as an aspiring producer, when is the right time to quit your job and do you feel there’s a need to drop all other aspects of everything you’re doing and focus completely on music? Yasmine and I have a great vibe when we write, we really compliment each other, so it felt very natural. It just made it more fun, having family in the group. Jahan: At the time when we brought Yasmine in, it was a hobby so we weren’t thinking about this long lasting career yet. What was it like bringing in your younger sister into a relatively, new musical project? Rain Man: I’m going through your text messages by the way. Jahan: Its interesting, first when I met Kris he was a lead guitarist in a metal band and I’d say a few months later he started programming beats so when I met him was when the whole programming and producing for dance music started. Rain Man: Slash my grandmother’s house is like 3 blocks from the house where the car went out of the window. Yasmine: That’s funny because Ferris Bueller was filmed at our high school. Was he the metalhead version of Ferris Bueller in your high school? So he was definitely such a superstar in the whole highschool metal, rock scene.

youtube krewella get wet

He had this reputation of being this rockstar, he was the lead guitarist in a metal band. Jahan: I was actually hammered when I met Kris so I don’t really remember the first impression that he gave me, but we actually went to the same high school. So Jahan when you first met Rain Man, what was your first impression and how soon after did you decide you wanted to work together musically? We discussed everything from the group’s rise to success, Harry Potter, their upcoming collaboration with Travis Barker (Blink 182) & Patrick Stump (Fall Out Boy), their new album “Get Wet”, their new stage setup, Jahan’s date with a lucky fan, and more! Live for Live Music founder Kunj Shah had the opportunity to sit down with Krewella at Maya Nightclub in Scottsdale, Arizona right before they hit the stage.

Youtube krewella get wet